Skunk Special Feminised Seeds
Cannabis Seeds: Feminised
Product info
Back due to popular demand! Female Seeds have brought Skunk Special because it is still a
great choice after all these years.
From all the Skunk-varieties that are on the market right now, they selected a fast producer
of enormous buds with a strong skunk aroma and a heavy buzz. Skunk special is quite a
stable strain with little variety between the individuals. This strain was developed in Dutch
greenhouses and selected on flower production. So, this is one of world’s best flowerproducers
under natural light, but also does really well outdoors in temperate climates.
More info:
It all started in ’83 or ’84 when Sam The Skunk Man himself was in Holland to do a Skunk
project for Dutch greenhouses. The best one was selected out of around 10,000 (!) plants
in this project and was cloned in selective circles within Rotterdam, Holland.
It was actually only used by greenhouse growers in Rotterdam and surroundings and was
nicknamed ‘het Sammetje’. (the Sammy)
Then in 1990 it arrived in Amsterdam and the A’dam scene had a go with it, continuing on
through the whole of Holland.
The genetic make up is mostly a Mexican Colombian Sativa with that Skunk piss smell you
are talking about. It also can be called the old school skunk.
Female Seeds selected this one, as they found it the best performer out of all the Skunk varieties available.
This latest batch of seeds is from the same origin only after a few generations of selecting the
best plants we’ve come to an earlier maturing, more stable (more equal, uniform) batch.
This strain is really good for outdoors as it does really well in temperate
climates (where citrus/grapes grow).
Flowering time: 7-8 weeks
Height: 60 – 80 cm
Seed to harvest: Minimum 70 days
Yield: High quality big orange harvest
Taste / Smell: Citric, skunk piss smell