Sketch Feminised Seeds

Cannabis Seeds: Feminised

  • Product AttributeGrow type : Indoor|Outdoor
  • Product AttributeFlowering time : 9-10 weeks
  • Product AttributeMedical effect : Yes
  • Product AttributeVariety : Sativa
  • Product AttributeFlowering type : Photoperiod
  • Product AttributeSex : Feminised
  • Product AttributeTHC content : Low
  • Product AttributeCBD content : Low
  • Product AttributePlant height : Indoors: 120 - 150 cm; Outdoors: 150 - 200 cm.
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Product info

Sketch is a cross of White Widow and another strain known as The One. It is slightly sativa-dominant and has a somewhat longer than average flowering time although it is very easy to grow for those with patience to wait a little while longer.

Sketch grows to be 120 – 150 cm. tall indoors with expected yields of 400 – 500 gr/m2 in a 9 – 11 week flowering phase. Outdoors plants grow a little taller at 150 – 250 cm. and producing 400 – 500 gr. each.

THC is high at around 20% with just 0.2% CBD. This strain’s effect is happy and relaxed with an uplifting and euphoric note.

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