Mango Jack Feminised Seeds

Cannabis Seeds: Feminised

  • Product AttributeGrow type : Indoor|Outdoor
  • Product AttributeFlowering time : 9-10 weeks
  • Product AttributeMedical effect : Yes
  • Product AttributeVariety : Sativa
  • Product AttributeFlowering type : Photoperiod
  • Product AttributeSex : Feminised
  • Product AttributeTHC content : High
  • Product AttributeCBD content : Low
  • Product AttributePlant height : Up to 350 cm. outdoors
Purchase this item and get 57-105 Points
Purchase this item and get 57-105 Points
Seed packs
Price per seed
Price per pack
Amount of packs
5 seeds
10 seeds

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Product info

The Mango Jack is a mostly Sativa plant with a very strong uplifting high. It is of course, the White Jack from our old range crossed with an unknown Mango Kush. It still produces a very tall and vigorous plant and the buds are a nice size. The aroma is amazing with a very peppery/citrus blend, creating a scent so incredible it has to be experienced. The taste is very similar to how it smells and this variety is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. It yields well both indoor and outdoor and has a very sedative effect on the user. The leaves can have a very nice defined indica look to them too, coming from the Mango Kush side of the genetics.

It thrives well in all grow mediums but prefers a good quality coco or organic soil for best results. A lot of light is also required for this to achieve its full potential and if planting outside you should pick a spot in full sun, with well dug in organic compost/bokashi soil and water it regularly. You will not be disappointed with the end result. This is another good strain for medicinal users and is known to help with the healing process of many illnesses due to its high THC content. It is in limited supply and when it runs out it will be replaced on the menu.

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