Amajikoym Feminised Seeds
Cannabis Seeds: Feminised
Product info
Amajikoym by Super Strains is an indomitable mountain of a plant which is only for the connoisseur and veteran grower looking for a rewarding challenge. It is a sativa strain which produces good yields and a strong effect.
Amajikoym is suitable for indoor, outdoor and greenhouse cultivation, however she needs a very stable environment in order to grow well. Flowering times are roughly 80 days for optimal yields and you can expect a harvest in excess of 600 gr/m2 for your efforts. She may be very high maintenance, but this fine lady is worth it.
Amajikoym can grow into a behemoth if grown outdoors, growing up to 3 x 3 metres in size. However, the fragile nature of this plant means the slightest change in environment can upset it. It needs to be grown in a stable environment with lots of care in order to thrive, making indoor cultivation preferable.
This strain delivers the crisp, smooth, room filling smoke that is sought after by many sativa lovers. It will induce a strong, creeping cerebral high that will not disappoint. It is perfect for those relaxed days out and about, visiting art galleries or resting in the park. It has useful medicinal properties that can help the stressed and anxious unwind and let go for a while.
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