Cherry Cola Auto Feminised Seeds

Cannabis Seeds: Feminised

  • Product AttributeGrow type : Indoor|Outdoor
  • Product AttributeFlowering time : 9-10 weeks
  • Product AttributeMedical effect : Yes
  • Product AttributeVariety : Hybrid
  • Product AttributeFlowering type : Autoflowering
  • Product AttributeSex : Feminised
  • Product AttributeTHC content : Very High
  • Product AttributeCBD content : Low
  • Product AttributeYield : Medium-High
  • Product AttributePlant height : 90 - 150 cm.
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Purchase this item and get 16-708 Points
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Product info

Cherry Cola Auto is an indica (55%)/sativa (45%) hybrid strain with high yields and very high levels of THC. Outdoors, these plants are ideally suited to moderate climates. Expect some powerful Cherry Cola terps.

In 63 – 70 days from seed, Cherry Cola Auto plants reach a height of 90 – 150 cm. These vigorous plants grow a strong central cola with some strong side-branch development. Indoors, yields average between 500 – 600 gr/m2. Outdoors, each plant can produce 50 – 250 gr. Buds are very dense and a light green colour. The thick coat of resin at maturity produces a blue-ish hint to the buds. Strong-smelling in flower so good carbon filters are recommended.

The buds exude a fruity/diesel scent that evolves over time to have a cherry candy quality with a fizzy undertone. An excellent strain for extract makers, even the leaves surrounding the buds are sticky with resin. THC levels are up to 25%, wity less than 1% CBD, and the genetics give a well-balanced effect. Mood-lifting, happy and relaxing, Cherry Cola Auto relieves stress and as its more physical side takes over it is good for relief from muscle pain, easing anxiety and stimulating appetite without ever becoming couchlock in nature.

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