GMO x Strawnana Feminised Seeds

Cannabis Seeds: Feminised

  • Product AttributeGrow type : Indoor|Outdoor
  • Product AttributeFlowering time : 9-10 weeks
  • Product AttributeMedical effect : No
  • Product AttributeVariety : Sativa
  • Product AttributeFlowering type : Photoperiod
  • Product AttributeSex : Feminised
  • Product AttributeTHC content : Low
  • Product AttributeCBD content : Low
  • Product AttributeYield : High
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Seed packs
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Price per pack
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3 seeds

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Product info

GMO x Strawnana is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain with great resistance to both the heat and the cold. These are hardy, tall plants with high potential yields.

GMO x Strawnana can be cultivated successfully indoors and outdoors. Indoor flowering takes about 9 weeks. Growers are advised that plants can stretch 2 – 3 times in height once placed into the flowering stage, with long inter-nodal spacing, so make sure there’s enough headroom.

Outdoors in the northern hemisphere harvest is due between October 2nd – 8th. In whichever environment they are grown, plants will benefit from staking, support or SCRoG techiniques to prevent branches from snapping under the weight of the buds and also to even out the canopy for better light distribution.

The terpene profile displays scents and flavours associated with exotic fruits.

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