Candyland Feminised Seeds

Cannabis Seeds: Feminised

  • Product AttributeGrow type : Greenhouse|Indoor|Outdoor
  • Product AttributeFlowering time : 12 weeks or more
  • Product AttributeMedical effect : Yes
  • Product AttributeVariety : Sativa
  • Product AttributeFlowering type : Photoperiod
  • Product AttributeSex : Feminised
  • Product AttributeTHC content : Low
  • Product AttributeCBD content : Low
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Purchase this item and get 136 Points
Seed packs
Price per seed
Price per pack
Amount of packs
5 seeds

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Product info

A cross of Bay Platinum Cookies and Grandaddy Purp, Candyland is the Winner of the 2012 KushCon Cup for 1st place sativa. Living up to the hype, this cannabis strain has patients buzzing with excitement and produces smooth, tight, dense buds which are a pale shade of soft green and highlighted with a trace of darker green.

Coated with tiny, pure crystals that fill up every nook and cranny, there is a subtle sexy array of long, dark golden hairs that beautifully highlight each nugget. Candyland’s medical properties include pain management, muscle relaxation, mood enhancement, and is a fantastic social stimulus.

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